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Guilford Residents Advocate Against Retail Marijuana Legalization
On Jan. 22, State Representatives Vincent Candelora (R-86) and Noreen Kokoruda (R-101) co-hosted a “Know the Risks” press conference along with the Connecticut Chapter of Smart Approaches to Marijuana (CT SAM), Connecticut Association of Prevention Professionals, students, advocates, law enforcement, health professionals, and local officials to discuss the implications and health risks associated with legalizing retail marijuana in Connecticut.
Marijuana Debate Heats Up At State Capitol
The Connecticut Chapter of Smart Approaches to Marijuana (CT SAM) and the Connecticut Association of Prevention Professionals (CAPP) held a Legislative Office Building press conference “to inform legislators and the public regarding the health risks of legalizing retail marijuana and recent findings, such as how states that have legalized marijuana now lead the U.S. in teen use.”
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